In this guide, we show you actual ovulation test strip results from real women who have used that Natalist Ovulation Test Kit to track their fertile window.
By infertility warrior and women’s health expert Halle Tecco, MBA, MPH
The Natalist Ovulation Test Kit is easy to use and can help you accurately know when you’re most likely to conceive. It includes 30 ovulation test strips, a urine cup, and a patent-pending cycle tracker — everything you need to increase your chances of getting pregnant by knowing the best time to have sex based on peak fertility.
In our own experience trying to get pregnant, we know it’s always helpful to see what real ovulation test results could look like. In this guide, we’ll show you actual results from real women who have used the Natalist Ovulation Test Kit to track ovulation.
For more on how to read your results and interpret the color intensity of the test line and control line, check out the Natalist Ovulation Test Kit instructions.
And if you’re using our midstream ovulation tests, check out real results here.