Every month, Dr. Gleaton answers all your questions about fertility, pregnancy, birth and more. Follow us on Instagram to ask your questions!
Is there any way to know if you’re infertile before trying for a baby?
You can ask your OBGYN about fertility tests including labs testing egg quality/quantity, tubal assessment, and sperm assessment to get an idea of any challenges you may face. However, while these may offer useful information, the only true test is to start trying!
I’ve been trying to conceive while breastfeeding and my cycle is all over the place. Any advice?
Irregular cycles can be a normal part of breastfeeding and can take up to 1.5 years postpartum to completely regulate. Consider abruptly dropping one feeding which can sometimes help. In addition, focus on optimizing your nutrition, ingesting sufficient calories, and learn to identify your body’s ovulation signals. Using ovulation tests can help.
Want to learn more? Read the full article on Natalist.com.