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Knowing your “fertile window,” those special few days when you’re likeliest to conceive, can help you get pregnant faster. This month, Dr. Gleaton answered all your questions about ovulation tracking.
Is it possible to never get “positive” results on an ovulation test but still ovulate?
This would be unlikely and would clearly indicate that you’re somehow missing ovulation or have a hormonal imbalance that is affecting your ovulation predictor tests. Discuss this with your OBGYN provider and see if blood work can help determine if you’re ovulating.
Drinking post ovulation pre-period/positive ovulation pregnant test? Seeing mixed messages.
If you’re ttc, my general recommendation is to limit drinking in the post ovulatory phase of your cycle since pregnancy isn’t detected until one to two weeks after conception.
Ovulation testing…helpful or more anxiety producing?
I think ovulation tests are a great way to get to know your cycle and pinpoint your fertile window! But if they are giving you anxiety, then I would talk to your doctor.
Is it normal for BBT to be all over the place? No clear temperature shift this cycle around ovulation.
BBT tracking is not my favorite tracking method because it is laborious and error prone. Also, your BBT will increase right after ovulation. This means that you can’t use BBT to identify your fertile window for your current cycle. I would suggest ovulation tests as an easier method.
Want to read more? Find the full article on Natalist.com