How Do I Know if I’m Not Ovulating?

2 min readMay 7, 2021

If you’re trying to have a baby, you’ll want to know if and when you’re ovulating. Unfortunately it’s not always as simple as counting the days between your periods, especially if your cycle is a little irregular. Dr. Gleaton is here to give you the inside scoop on abnormal ovulation and more.

By OBGYN and fertility expert Dr. Kenosha Gleaton

Being able to identify when you’re ovulating is a necessary part of family planning. But perhaps your fertile window has been difficult to pin down, or maybe there are months where you skip ovulation entirely. We’re here to break down what abnormal ovulation is and what symptoms to look out for.

Signs of not ovulating

Ovulation refers to the period in your cycle when an egg is released and travels through the fallopian tubes in search of sperm. If you’re trying to conceive, you’ll want to have sex when you’re ovulating to increase your chance of conception. Ovulation can be easily tracked using ovulation midstream tests or test strips.

If you’re concerned that you aren’t ovulating, there are some symptoms you should be on the lookout for:

  • Natural body changes: Your body will give you hints that ovulation is near by altering things such as your basal body temperature and your cervical mucus. For example, if you notice that your cervical mucus is dry through your entire cycle and,, it’s a possible sign that you’re not ovulating.
  • Irregular cycles: Cycle lengths can vary from 21–35 days, so if your cycle falls outside of this range, or if your period is absent for months (while not on hormonal birth control), or your cycle seems to vary by multiple days every month, it’s possible you’re experiencing abnormal ovulation.

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